Monster Trucks Nitro is a game created by RedLynx, the same creators of the "Trials" and "Trials 2" games. If you are expecting a game like Monster Truck Madness, then you are going to be a bit disappointed. The kind of racing events you got in Madness is not seen here. RedLynx decided to stick with the formula they knew, the Trials formula. So the game is played pretty much the same as Trials 2. Yes, the models are made in 3D, which allows very nice visuals, but the game is a platform game. You only control four keys, one for accelerating, one for braking, and two to control your roll in the air. The tracks are well done. However, there is not much challenge in them. They present a series of cars and obstacles which you can crush or just move aside, but it will be weird when you get stuck at some place. This game is fun to play as an arcade game. In fact, it makes perfect sense for the Iphone for example. But as a PC game the price tag of 19.99 might be too steep. Give it a try and decide if it's worth it.